12+ years of experience
Women are changing
Don’t get left behind
We help women stand out in their personal,
professional, and social of their lives.
Education based on science to help you exceed in life
Our team consists of intellectuals…we might read our horoscope from time to time but we are well-educated individuals. What we offer is educational content for life that’s based on science. Not our own personal experiences. Nobody’s gonna read that.
The tips and tricks that we aim to share with you are going to make you truly unique. We know, it might sound cheesy. But, hear us out!
You don’t need to go to great lengths to learn how to handle your relationships better, or how you can move forward in life. Science has provided all the answers you’re looking for, even before you started looking for them.
Here at LadiesOnly, we base our work on scientific methods that have proved effective when analyzing human nature, evolution, the human mind and relationships. This is the only way we can resolve problems in the short term while working on them in the long run. Once we have found the reasons why something happened to us, science comes to the rescue, offering tools we can use to work out our issues.
Change is not achieved in one day, and there’s no magic pill (no matter what you’ve read). Look at it this way: It took humans billions of years to evolve as a species…what makes you think that a “quick fix” will lead to anything worth your time?
For real change to take place, we will look at all the problems that women commonly face today. Looking at those obstacles, we will try and find the best ways to work on them together, based on science. And if you have a little faith, one day you’ll look back on this day and think “Damn, that was easy”.

Romantic relationships
Why are we attracted to certain people and not to others? Biopsychology is here to answer that, and many more burning questions that we have about relationships.
Neuroscience will then join us to explain what actually happens to you when you have “butterflies in your stomach” after you bump into him…

We all know how important it is to have a shoulder to cry on, and Psychology agrees with us.
Even if you weren’t sure, science says it is necessary to share your problems with people that you truly bond with.
We tried it! It’s life-changing.

Our good friend, Sociology, is here to teach us key-tricks that will help you achieve all you want in your career, as a woman in the 21st century.

Family bonds
Our good friend, Psychology, once told us that the kinds of relationships we will end up choosing in our adult life are heavily impacted by the ways we bond with our families.
What was the structure of your family?
It might have something to do with your choices in men and relationships.

No, honey. There are no rules in how you’ll dress. You are gonna rock every outfit if you feel confident in it.
However, Neuroscience says there are some tricks you might like, in order to look exactly how you wanna see yourself.
And those tricks are waaay easier than what Marie Claire told you.
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of every glass door is about to get so much more fun.

Social skills
Ugh, if we had a nickel for everytime we wanted to talk more during a night out, but did not, ‘cause we were socially awkward!
Our fab girl, Social Psychology is the one that made us who we are today: The life of the party!
Gazillions of studies have been conducted, aiming to enhance social skills. What are you waiting for?
Start reading!

Who better to tell us why on earth sex is soooo relaxing and relieving, than our girl, Neurobiology.
She will go on about the big O and why we have sex as humans.
Developmental Psychology will then tell us why we like it…this much!…or not at all.

Don’t we all need a little confidence boost from time to time?
Yeah. Same here.
So, Behavioural Psychology will give us all the tricks we need to be as confident as an avocado.
Cause, you know…who doesn’t like avocados?

Last, but not least, all the girls above unite to answer million dollar questions like
“What the hell IS flirting?”
“Oh my god, did he just flirt with me?”
“Jessica! I’m telling you, he defo got the wrong message and thought I was flirting! What am I gonna do??”
Leave Jessica alone. We have all the answers. Stay tuned.
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